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EFA Annual Gathering 2022

The Art of Relating

“Relationships & Interaffecting”

Oct. 13-16 in Italy, Bassano del Grappa

Here I will offer two workshops:

  • A short Nonviolent Communication Introduction

  • A workshop with my friend Rosella Salari:

Synergising the connection between Focusing and NVC

- Be yourself and better together! –

Rosy and Karine are two Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and Focusing practitioners.

Rosy has always dreamt to enhance one with another, because NVC & Focusing make sense to her being. Karine arrived a bit later with Focusing, and she sensed straight away that it also makes sense! What makes so much sense?

What Rosy and Karine are sharing, is it that they both had been using Focusing and NVC to create the environment they like to be in; the connections with our close family and friends, bigger circles, and even the World!

In this workshop, we will look for synergies between Focusing and NVC, present and discuss them with you, in inviting you practicing!

We meant to have an interactive workshop, where you and Rosy and Karine, will experience new ways to be with yourselves and with another.

Do you have any old conditioning or pains, loud inner critic, or did you have any experience of snapping at our spouse, children or coworkers?

Our goal is to support ways for handling these situations with Focusing & NVC consciousness. And being aware that shifting our paradigms could take some time as you and Rosy and Karine might have different priorities…

What you will learn could be new impulses for your work with clients, as psychotherapists or body therapists, coaches, trainers, etc..

Would you like to know more about my work? I invite you to look at others posts and contact me!


Puis-je vous aider?

Je propose principalement des séances en ligne. S'il vous plaît contactez-moi directement sinon!

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