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Thriving in this Challenging World


Dernière mise à jour : 11 mai 2023

Growing Your Capacity for Healing with Resonant Healing®

Online Training . May 20-21, 2023


Daya Lakshmi and Karine Audeguy

Certified Resonant Healing Practitioners

2 sessions program (7 hours) | May 20-21, 2023

For more information and registration:

May 20-21, 2023 not May 21-22, 2023!!!!

"Dear Karine's critic, would you love that mistakes do not exist on this planet? That everything is made right first time? And that you can trust in perfection, thus every one likes you?


Puis-je vous aider?

Je propose principalement des séances en ligne. S'il vous plaît contactez-moi directement sinon!

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